Friday, February 1, 2013

Rules for Trading Sperm

From Neurotic Physiology:
What are the economics of donating sperm? In many species where you have two sexes, male and female, the principle is pretty simple: donate sperm ALL THE TIME. Or at least as much as possible. Females tend to be more choosy about mating opportunities (due to higher eventual cost to themselves), and thus it behooves a male to get his sperm in whenever a female so much as crosses his path.

But what if both the parties involved are hermaphrodites? Well then you face something a bit different....MORE
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a hermaphroditic flatworm in possession of its own sperm, rarely runs short of sperm, and thus must be in want of another hermaphrodite of suitable quality to inseminate."
-Jane Austen, if she had studied flatworms 
That's not bad but Pride and Prejudice it ain't.

HT: SciAm